Natural Remedies for Menopause
Balance your hormones naturallyNatural treatments for perimenopause and menopause
Increasing Progesterone Naturally: Mistakes to Avoid
Increasing your progesterone and reducing your hormonal symptoms is possible for you, but only if you are not making any of these three mistakes that I commonly see. Read on (or watch my YouTube) to learn about increasing progesterone naturally: mistakes to avoid....
Supplements to Boost Progesterone Levels in Perimenopause
Perimenopause can be a tumultuous time with symptoms ranging from night sweats, anxiety, and heavy periods to hormonal headaches and sleep issues. A lot of that has to do with the fact that progesterone falls, very quickly, off a cliff. Reducing stress and...
Increase Progesterone Naturally with Food
Progesterone is the first hormone to fall in perimenopause and decreases in levels can lead to a whole host of uncomfortable symptoms. But thankfully, food is medicine, and some nutrients are essential for progesterone production. In this blog, I will share those...
4 Signs of Low Progesterone
If you are over 35 and have started noticing changes to your menstrual cycle, or changes to how you feel in the build-up to your period, you might just have entered perimenopause, where progesterone falls off a cliff. If you think this might be you, read on (or watch...
Boost Collagen in Menopause Naturally
Collagen is a buzzword in the menopause space, and rightly so. As we lose oestrogen, our skin can lose its tight, plump appearance. But collagen's benefits extend beyond skin health, impacting our joints, bones, and even gut health. Let's explore how to boost...
Natural Menopause Skin Care
Transitioning from perimenopause through to menopause and beyond can bring about many changes, including changes to our skin. From sagging, dryness and wrinkles to acne, these issues often stem from the hormonal shifts we are experiencing at this time. But...