Hot flushes, hot flashes, whatever you call them. They can be anything from a mild irritating symptom to something that's completely debilitating. So in this blog (or video if you prefer), we're going to look at what causes them, how to prevent them, as well as some...
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Natural Remedies for Hormonal Hair Loss
Losing hair every day is normal as new hair growth replaces older hairs. However, waking and finding a lot of hair on your pillow or washing and finding clumps of hair in the bottom of the sink is not normal. Excessive hair loss can be due to a number of factors and...
Hormones and gut health
One very easy thing you can do for your hormonal health is to eat to maximise your gut health. Hormones and gut health are intrinsically linked. And whilst the topic itself is huge, quite simply, every time you eat you have the opportunity to improve your gut health....
Eating for Balanced Hormones
When you think of your hormones what comes to mind? Hot flush? Moodiness? Periods? Menopause? PCOS? Do you know where to even start when it comes to an imbalance? Eating for balanced hormones is just one tool that you can use to help create long term change....
Living in harmony with your menstrual cycle
Do you find that your moods and your energy level change from week to week? Do you wonder why one week you find it so easy to get to the gym whereas the next week you can barely pull yourself out of bed? And perhaps it’s the same with food, one week you are the...
What is a normal period?
As a homeopath, one of the things I ask women to tell me about is their period. The most common answer I get is ‘it's normal’. So I thought I would explore the idea of 'what is a normal period?'. Why do I ask about your period? The menstrual cycle can tell me so...